Underutilization of Health Care Services
It's not what you say that matters, but how you say it.
Understanding non-verbal behavioral cues and patient perception of healthcare bias.
Los Angelas, California
Checking in with patients after a traumatic event can help convey care and lessen a person’s perception that bias negatively impacted care.
Dr. Natashia is a compassionate and full of life and excitement when sharing her own real to life experience related to her topics.
Seminar Feedback
Listening to the perspectives of mothers who have received inequitable care. Eye opening. Patient statements. Excellent presentation of the data!
Breastfeeding goals deterred
Researchers have found that Black mothers demonstrate determination, persistence, assertiveness, self-reliance, confidence, and resourcefulness about breastfeeding practices. Although there is a strong association between maternal breastfeeding attitudes and behavioral intent to initiate exclusive breastfeeding practices, many Black mothers did not accomplish their intended goals or WHO/AAP recommendations.
Healthcare stigmas & Institutional racism
Due to structural racism woven into the United States' social and institutional structure, racial health disparities continue to impact people who self-identify as Black negatively. The Social Ecological Model was selected for this study because it is a multifaceted framework that can be applied to understand health behavior. The model assumes that no single factor influences people’s behavior; instead, it is a complex interaction among individuals and their environment.
An Important Reminder...
Perceptions of provider bias or discrimination were often from experiencing subtle forms of bias and discrimination in their day-to-day lives, thus, Black individuals were well-informed to notice non-verbal behaviors and identify them as biased behaviors (Gonzalez et al., 2018).
This study identifies inequities within
Health care protocol
Health care practices
Birthing and breastfeeding resources
Health care procedures
that new mothers need to engage in positive health-seeking behavior of initiating and sustaining exclusive breastfeeding of their newborn infant.
This awareness may promote healthy discussions within birthing centers on how to serve this population of mothers better.
The perception of racism and discrimination within birthing centers negatively impacts health-seeking behavior.
"I think they looked at me as a black Medicaid patient and they were going to keep me there for as long as Medicaid was covering it. And they cover four days. And after that, they were; they didn’t care what state I was in. I was going home."
What did you think of the speaker, Dr. Natashia Conner?
Remarkable, she should have been on the main stage, everyone needed to hear her research message!
Very invested and knowledgeable on the topic
She put together a great presentation and she obviously did a ton of work
Dr. Natashia is compassionate and full of life and excitement when sharing her own real-life experiences related to her topics.
Was the material presented in an interesting and appropriate manner?
Did you increase your knowledge?
Will you be able to use the concepts presented?
What is one thing you learned that could help improve your practice/experience?
Sensitivity to other people’s feelings and needs
Be intentional and explain even the smallest thing to parents
How to advocate for marginalized families in the maternity setting
Consider ways to improve how I engage black mothers and mothers of color in general